TFviews Looks at the Power Core Combiners Line

Released in early July, Hasbro’s new Power Core Combiners line brings a 3rd main line to Transformers shelves, after Revenge of the Fallen, and Generations. As Hasbro puts it, “The TRANSFORMERS POWER CORE COMBINERS introduce fans to an all-new assortment of figures that expand on the classic TRANSFORMERS play pattern. This new expression of figures combine with one another, in dozens of variations, to create a wide variety of larger COMBINER robots, with each figure serving as various body parts and weapons.” Continue reading TFviews Looks at the Power Core Combiners Line

Transformers: The Movie Screening in Los Angeles this Saturday

Yes, it’s true, at Quentin Tarantino’s New Beverly Cinema in West Hollywood this Saturday, Sept 4th, at midnight, they’ll be screening the 1986 classic Transformers: The Movie! Come see your favorite Transformers characters get swept out the door in favor of then-new figures for the kiddies to get suckered into buying despite a mediocre new leading cast. But if you’ve never seen Optimus Prime kick the most ass ever on the big-screen (and I am including the Bay films in that), then Saturday at midnight should be your destiny.  Check out more and buy tickets at the New Beverly Cinema’s website.