Month: November 2020
Transformers: Escape mini-series begins December 30
Continuing their tradition of running multiple Transformers series simultaneously, once Transformers Galaxies ends, IDW will publish a mini-series focusing on Wheeljack and his crew as seen in issue 24 of the main Transformers series. The story will run for five issues.
Written by Brian Ruckley with art by Bethany McGuire-Smith
World War spills into this all-new limited series! As Cybertron descends into a state of war, countless civilians-unaligned with the Autobots, Decepticons, or any faction-are caught in the crossfire. Fortunately, a solution may be coming… Wheeljack, Hound, and some of Cybertron’s greatest (and most infamous) scientists seek to reactivate the Ark program and evacuate the planet with huge spaceships. On the verge of war, will their efforts be enough to escape?
In Shops: Dec 30, 2020