In celebration of the 35th anniversary of its release, the world-renowned 1986 animated feature film THE TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE returns to U.S. movie theaters for two days only, Sunday, September 26 and Tuesday, September 28, for an experience that’s beyond good, beyond evil, and beyond your wildest imagination! In addition to the feature, audiences of this special event will be treated to brand-new exclusive content.
Presented by Fathom Events and Hasbro THE TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE 35th ANNIVERSARY comes to movie theaters nationwide on Sunday, September 26 at noon and Tuesday, September 28 at 7:00 p.m. (local time). Tickets will be available for purchase later next month at and through participating cinemas’ box offices. (Participating theaters are subject to change). Please contact your local theater for individual safety precautions.
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