SDCC 15 Hasbro High-Res Reveals for Combiner Wars, RID, Masterpiece, and Platinum Series

sdcc-reveals-163Here’s an official look at all the stuff Hasbro revealed today at San Diego Comic Con during the Hasbro Transformers panel.

Combiner Wars Victorion (Updated), G2 Superion, G2 Menasor (Updated), and Voyager-class Scattorshot.

Robots in Disguise – Clash of the Transformers TRU-exclusives.

Platinum Series Blaster & Perceptor set, Platinum Series Trypticon, and Platinum Series Seeker Squadron.

Masterpiece Bluestreak, and Masterpiece Starscream.

Combiner Wars Victorion set (updated with image of Rust Dust vehicle mode, Stormclash robot mode, Dustup):

Combiner Wars G2 Superion Set:

Combiner Wars G2 Menasor set:

Combiner Wars Voyager-class Scattorshot:

Robots in Disguise – Clash of the Transformers TRU-exclusives:

Platinum Series Blaster & Perceptor set:

Platinum Series Trypticon:

Platinum Series Seeker Squadron:

Masterpiece Bluestreak:

Masterpiece Starscream: