Are TFP toys delayed due to avengers & Joe2 toys?

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Are TFP toys delayed due to avengers & Joe2 toys?

Post by Tigermegatron »

Are TFP toys delayed due to avengers & Joe2 toys?

I'd say yes. Because movie theathre toys are always the main priority for toy companies. due to them selling better & stores ordering more of them. My guess is the trucks driving thru the states from the California Bay piers to NYC are fully stocked with avengers & Joe2 toys. leaving very little room/none for TFP stoys on the trucks.

Depending on where these avengers & Joe2 Toy get made over seas. they might be in the same manufactoring TF toy plants/factories. causing delays for newer TF toys to get made. due to avengers & Joe2 taking priority.

It's entirely possible,overseas,that the newer TFP toys are not getting loaded on to the huge transport cargo containers boats. because this room on the container boats right now is reserved for the Avengers & Joe2 toys to get loaded to america. for all we know their are huge stock piles of TFP newer toys sitting in a wharehouse somewhere over seas waiting to get loaded on the over seas container boats.

I suspose it's possible. after everything gets uloaded from the California Bay piers. everything gets sent to hasbro wharehouses in Califonia bay area somewhere. it's possible the main priority toys getting loaded on the trucks from the hasbro California Bay Wharehouses are Avengers & Joe2 toys.

I'm thinking the california area is full of TFP newer toys. because hasbro doesn't mind making local deliveries from the California Bay wharehouses. while long distance drives are restricted for now for TFP newer toy deliveries. until the bulk of Avengers & Joe2 Toys reach all the states in america & stores are fully/decently stocked with the avengers & joe2 toys.

Honestly,stores are not the blame for the TFP toys distribution problems. because all the USA brick & mortar stores have placed their orders year/months in advance. their is clearly enough/empty TF peg/space.

I wouldn't blame the economy on this one either. Because stores in my area are almost sold out of all the TFP toys. their are tons of empty pegs & shelf space in the TF toy aisles. So the TFP toys are selling. but newer/older TFP toys are not arriving quick/decent pace.

The blame for this one goes on hasbro.

For all we know Hasbro is causing this TFP Delay of newer toys on purpose. to release the bulk of them a few months/near/on the Christmas season buying months. Because hasbro knows USA retail stores order higher volume of toys for the christmas season months.
older toy waves that have been out in stores during january thru july,don't get re-ordered that high for the christamas season buying months from stores in the USA.
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Re: Are TFP toys delayed due to avengers & Joe2 toys?

Post by Onslaught Six »

If any of that made any sense to anyone else, let me know.

Anyway, it'd be a really dumb decision 'now' considering the Joe 2 situation.
BWprowl wrote:The internet having this many different words to describe nerdy folks is akin to the whole eskimos/ice situation, I would presume.
People spend so much time worrying about whether a figure is "mint" or not that they never stop to consider other flavours.
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