Decepticon Spike wrote:
I passed on the Ruination since i already have the G1 Combaticon set. Nevre really saw the Trains or the Build Team in stores around here, though.
Ruination has some mold-modifications that make that set worth looking at, even if you have Bruticus. (All of the parts integrate into the merged robot, unlike previous uses of the mold.
The Autobot 3-pack was great. I still fiddle with that from time to time. And, not that it is mentioned, the BWNeo influence is pretty clear.
Hi all guess how Back in town! sorry I was not for a spell but when I got the adderess the person that wrote it didn't make it clear for me to read, thank the matrix I took at the old BWTF site. so I'm here noe ready to rock.
Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don’t care, I’m still free
You can’t take the Sky from me
-FireFly theme
Hey, folks. Just joined up. I have a huge TF collection, and I like just about every TF series in one way or another. Looking forward to talking to you guys.
Mirage wrote:Hey, folks. Just joined up. I have a huge TF collection, and I like just about every TF series in one way or another. Looking forward to talking to you guys.
Hot damn, another Kansan up on here? Rad!
Anyways, welcome back, (tally)Matt and welcome aboard here, Mirage.
Dominic wrote: too many people likely would have enjoyed it as....well a house-elf gang-bang.
Mirage wrote:Hey, folks. Just joined up. I have a huge TF collection, and I like just about every TF series in one way or another. Looking forward to talking to you guys.
Sorry about that. My hand-writing is not the best. Arthritis.
Ok, I may be guilty of zombie threading here, but Scourge just sent me the link today (or yesterday technically). In all fairness I've pretty much been off of the net since bwtf went down.
So Dom and JT, you guys put this together? You guys rock! I really have missed bwtf and all you guys and it's great be here!