New York Toy Fair 2016

The modern comics universe has had such a different take on G1, one that's significantly represented by the Generations toys, so they share a forum. A modern take on a Real Cybertronian Hero. Currently starring Generations toys, IDW "The Transformers" comics, MTMTE, TF vs GI Joe, and Windblade. Oh wait, and now Skybound, wheee!
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Sparky Prime
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New York Toy Fair 2016

Post by Sparky Prime »

Surprised no one has started a topic on this already...

So over the weekend the annual Toy Fair in New York was held showing off many new products for the upcoming Titans Return line for Transformers. TFW2005 has posted many pictures from the event...

Fortress Maximus official images
With Cerebros and Emissary
Titans Return Legends Class official images
Laserbeak, Rumble (incorrectly shown with Rewind's head), Wheelie
Titans Return Deluxe Class official images
Blurr with Hyperfire, Scourge with Fracas, Mindwipe with Vorath and Chromedome with Stylor

Titans Return Display, which includes the figures in the above official images, as well as Sentinel Prime, Galvatron, Rumble (with the correct head), Rewind, Loudmouth, Skullsmasher, Headhead, Blaster and Powermaster Optimus Prime
Fortress Maximus Display

Also, several new RiD figures were shown, which is in this topic.
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Re: New York Toy Fair 2016

Post by Dominic »

Meant to post this a few days ago.

Fort Max looks okay. But, I am not sure I would pay $150 for it, even if it looks better than Metroplex.

Most of the Head Master figures" look pretty awful. There is only so much they can do at that scale. But, the heads look worse than stuff from 25+ years ago.

The thumb drives (Laserbeak and Rumble, etc) look to be a little too "stiff". They are similar to the old tapes, in that if they are transformed they look enough like whatever it is they turn in to for the instructions to say "_____ mode". Rumble looks okay as a robot. Might get Laserbeak for sentimental reasons.

Wheelie looks impressive. (A toy that size, with an opening cockpit?)

Hardhead, Skullcruncher and Mindwipe are not bad.

Is Optimus mis-transformed in vehicle mode? Why is the cab so gappy?

Blurr and Scourge look pretty good. But, I would have preferred they be Target Masters, rather than Headmasters. (It looks like Hasbro fixed the fragility issues that Brainstorm had. The robot heads are not one piece, but seem to mount to a movable plug to keep the neck articulation.)
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Re: New York Toy Fair 2016

Post by JediTricks »

Didn't have the nerve to bring the Brainstorm art after releasing the figure a scant 2 years ago, eh?

Honestly, this Toy Fair was a bit deflating. Titan Masters looks weak and like they're getting ready to jack the price up again. Also, hope you like the Combiner Wars transformations because they don't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, look at Hardhead and Chromedome.

Fort Max looks good but I don't like how there's just hands untransformed in alt mode.

The blister pack on the Titan Master singles is really chintzy-looking, like dollar store chintzy.

These look likely as buys:
Scourge - I wasn't on board with this fully until I saw the cockpit in alt mode, that worked.
See, that one's a camcorder, that one's a camera, that one's a phone, and they're doing "Speak no evil, See no evil, Hear no evil", get it?
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Re: New York Toy Fair 2016

Post by Dominic »

Mindwipe looks better on a second viewing. (Still not liking the Nebulan figures in general though.)

Cheap packaging is not a huge deal. But, a price bump is. How much are deluxe going to be by this time next year? (And, what makes you think yet another bump is coming?)

Honestly, this Toy Fair was a bit deflating.
Could be worse. You could have been in for Joe news. (Reportedly, Hasbro said there will not be any Joe product, at least retail, in 2016.)
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Re: New York Toy Fair 2016

Post by Almighty Unicron »

As a kid I had always wanted the RID Fort Max but never got around to getting it. I got the Generations 'Plex and thought that'd be a good substitute, and then I heard a new Fort Max was coming and I was prepared to be disappointed.

I'm not. 'Plex is leagues better than Fort Max. At least he has an alt mode that kinda resembles something.
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Re: New York Toy Fair 2016

Post by JediTricks »

Dominic wrote:(Still not liking the Nebulan figures in general though.)
Agreed. Headmasters were around the time I got out of G1 too.
Cheap packaging is not a huge deal. But, a price bump is. How much are deluxe going to be by this time next year? (And, what makes you think yet another bump is coming?)
The inclusion of Nebulans is a separate painting and assembly process, they are going to be seen as a separate accessory. Look how much they're charging for a Titan Master and 1 vehicle, they expect some level of value. They often put in extra value when they're expecting to recoup via a price raise. Also, it appears there will be less figures per wave, that generally stinks of a price hike.
See, that one's a camcorder, that one's a camera, that one's a phone, and they're doing "Speak no evil, See no evil, Hear no evil", get it?
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Re: New York Toy Fair 2016

Post by Onslaught Six »

The PMOP at the booth had the cab opened to show Hi-Q piloting it. Some angles don't make this clear.

PMOP and Chromedome are must haves, but I can pass quite a few of the others off. Blurr, Brainstorm, Scourge and others don't look great, or I have a better version. Once they get up to Nightbeat or the Headmaster Juniours, I'll be excited. (Or if they do any more Powermasters or try to do Pretenders somehow. Dreadwing and Darkwind? Or Hydra and Buster? Please?)
BWprowl wrote:The internet having this many different words to describe nerdy folks is akin to the whole eskimos/ice situation, I would presume.
People spend so much time worrying about whether a figure is "mint" or not that they never stop to consider other flavours.
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